A particularly well-stocked powder magazine, at that! The kegs in this magazine were stenciled so as to appear that they were made by E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, of Wilmington, Delaware, and dated 1847.
Éleuthère Irénée du Pont was a Frenchman (duh) who sailed to America in 1800, and found that American gunpowder was vastly inferior to that which he used to make in France. He discovered this when, on a hunting expedition with Louis de Tousard, a French artillerist who had served with the Continental Army during the American Revolution, DuPont's firearm failed to discharge. DuPont had some chemistry and gunpowder-manufacturing experience, worked his magic and by the mid-19th century the DuPont company was the largest manufacturer of gunpowder in the United States. Tousard, meanwhile, helped to construct the curriculum that was initially taught at West Point, and wrote books on artillery that became the basic manuals for the US Army. Not impressed yet? Tousard also designed superstarfort Fort Adams at Newport, Rhode Island. Mike drop.