I bet this makes the techs called out to do maintenence on that satellite dish nervous. On a side note, see that little cactus at the lower right? I tend to liberate small cactus samples from starforts I visit, and transplant them at home. I do this because the first time I attempted this feat, it was a cactus from the water battery at Fort Monroe in 2012, and that cactus has been positively flourishing in my garden ever since! This is of course because Fort Monroe is in Virginia, and I'm in Virginia, so the climate is one to which that cactus was accustomed. Not so the cacti I have liberated from Fort Morgan in Alabama, Fort Matanzas in Florida and, sadly, the one I brought home from Fort Jefferson. Upon transplantation, those cacti just looked at me as if to say, "...are you kidding?!!", and perished. |