Various bits 'n' pieces of things that relate to starforts, and yet are not a starfort.

The Starforts of the Jay Treaty

When the American Revolutionary War was concluded, Great Britain agreed to vacate with all convenient speed seven forts that it had occupied in American territory. 11 years later, British troops still garrisoned these forts, and they even built another fort within the boundaries of the United States. With all due respect, what the eff, Great Britain? It took a special treaty, negotiated by a special American Founding Father, to send the British on their way.

The Martello Tower

Dotting the coasts of England and Ireland are a series of stout, squat towers, most of which were built in the first decades of the 19th century to defend British shores from an expected invasion courtesy of Napoleon. This invasion never transpired, but the Martello Tower, as these minifortlets are known, were built around the world through the first half of the 19th century...mostly by the British.

The Gunfighter Pā

In the history of European colonialism, peoples who were not Europeans could not, or in any case did not, build their own starforts. Except for the Maori of New Zealand...who didn't build actual starforts as we know and love them, but came up with a pretty close approximation!

America's Moated Starforts

The United States built very few starforts with wet moats. Why in the world would they do such a thing, and quite frankly I don't believe you anyway, show me these alleged "moated starforts" or stop lying to my face.

The Shoupade Story

For a brief period during the US Civil War, there existed a six-mile line of lovely starfort fragments, built as field fortifications to defend Atlanta from William Tecumseh Sherman and his merry band in blue.

The Guérite

Jutting from the tips of many European starfort bastions are guérites. Though they shocked and offended me when I first discovered them, upon further research and an actual guérite experience, I determined that they might have served an actual reasonable purpose.

The Three Systems of
American Seacoast Defense

The history of the seacoast defense of the United States is divided into three Systems: The First, just after the Revolutionary War, mostly utilizing the talents of French engineers; The Second, an attempt for American engineers to take over the design and construction of America's starfort needs; and the Third, which was the renaissance of American starfortery. The fortification systems for the US Civl War and Endicott Period were noteworthy as well, so they are also detailed in this Fortnotes entry.